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Saturday, January 29, 2005

K9-5: Laddie, Our Faithful Night-Watchman


Found on page 46 of The Gospel Witness and Protestant Advocate (Sept 28, 1944), a publication of JSBC, our church in Toronto, and republished here for animal lovers:
For the sake of those who love dogs, and for the sake of others who only dislike arsonists and burglars, we introduce our faithful night-watchman--Laddie. He came to us while the church was under construction [late 19th century]. When the services are in progress Laddie is kept in his own quarters. At other times he is on patrol. Laddie is beloved of all dog-lovers. We could fill a small-sized book with stories of his canine intelligence. It is enough to say that he has frightened the wits out of several would-be burglars. The police tell us he is worth a hundred men. The burglar-alarm messengers say he has a voice that can be heard in Winnipeg!

Laddie lives on the premises except when he goes home occasionally with one of the janitors. He is friendly to all until the building is locked up at night. Then he considers himself in charge, and no one can touch a door or window without being greeted with something resembling the roar of a lion.

At night he has the right-of-way through Rotunda and Offices, and has saved us from break-ins on several occasions.


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